somatic bodywork session
When you arrive to our space, we breathe together.
We’ll talk, ask each other questions, learn about where you are in process with your body.
Once you are ready to get on the table, we guide a body scan meditation to drop in to your physical, emotional, and energetic bodies. As you breathe into your temples, your jaw, your pelvis, you may start to hear them speak. Jaw feels sour, like metal. Belly is a choppy sea. Legs feels steady.
We begin with abdominal massage. So much intelligence lives in the belly, in the organs. Our gut. Our sense-intuition. As we attune to the communication of your body, we ask what they need and we offer it. Maybe your kidneys feel fear. With two hands beneath them, and your breath telling them “It’s okay to be afraid” they open and a part of you you haven’t seen in many years appears. That younger self has something they didn’t get to say aloud, something they were alone in, that calls for our attention, our care. This is when tears come, rage and clarity come. We sing and shake and move the body to allow whatever is arising to be felt, known, and released.
After working in the belly, we ask how the bowl of the pelvis wants attending. This can look like external massage, movement, adjustment, as well as internal (intravaginal, intrarectal) acupressure and myofascial release. We offer a slow, embodied consent process, and if there are resounding “Yes!”’s, we use internal pressure to map and repair trauma stored in the tissues and memory of the pelvis. This heals injury, restores alignment, makes new space.
Working with the pelvic floor means working with your felt experience of boundaries, trust, power, creativity, origin, pleasure, and safety. We proceed with utmost care, meeting your body exactly as they are.